Prism Sponge
mini makeup sponge
What it Is
A prism-shaped, reusable mini sponge designed to seamlessly blend in your makeup. Use the flat side for larger areas, to blend out your contour, or get a fuller-coverage finish with your complexion products.
Our Prism Sponge is made out of polyurethane.
Is it reusable?Yes! The Prism Sponge is absolutely reusable—just be sure to clean it once it gets dirty.
How do I clean my sponge?Washing with antibacterial soap and water once a week is the easiest way to keep your Prism Sponge clean and bacteria-free. For more tips on how to clean your makeup sponge, check out our handy guide right here.
Can I use the Prism Sponge with concealer?Yes! Its shape mimics the style of the tip on our Future Fluid All-Over Cream Concealer Dab + Swipe Applicator. Use the the pointed tip to target smaller or hard-to reach areas (like the corners of your nose) and the flat side for larger areas, to blend out your contour or get a fuller-coverage finish with your complexion products.
-Stipple angled side across face.
-Use pointed tip for precise, targeted application.
-Use the flat side for larger areas and fuller-coverage.
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